
Steve Todd

Steve passed away a few days ago. A sudden heart attack while asleep in his bed overnight. He was my age. Scary shit right~! Pam and I had dinner with him and Tracy just a few days ago in Fountagio by Melitsahas harbour. It was the first time Steve and I had really had a good chat about anything other than those bloody cats! I’m sure Tracy’s presence had helped spread the conversation away from just cats, as was usual when Pam and Steve were together with me. It was a really enjoyable evening over some great fish soup!  Pam and Steve had a shared love for the cats in the colony at his flat, some of which were hers, and of course Annie and Batman, Beamer, and Bony M from the old gang at Pams place.  Steve and I were not friends as such. We knew each other through Pam only, otherwise I wouldn’t have known him at all I imagine. But over the years we met and chatted, usually with Pam and I got to see the work he did for the islands cats, with some real zeal and passion too.  Other mutual f

The blog and not being ‘normal’.

Hello again :) I want to write things down, and see them in black and white. This seems to be the best way to do it. I don’t neccasarily want it to be ‘public’, however, having the small chance that it could be read is also in some way important.  So I’ll resurrect my blog, make notes in blog format, write what it is that I’m thinking about and try and make sense of it. Maybe this will help in some small way to clear my mind, and make some important decisions.  An Outsider! Peta, Scott and I went early to La Kambusa for a celebratory dinner of sorts after Peta sent her Kanzeli and I did Zellweger, both at Griffig sector. Hayes and Susanne, walked in. The noise level increased. They chose another table as they were going to be 6 apparently. Then in walked Nathan and Ronveig.  I like Nathan a lot and we exchanged greetings,  Ronveig nodded. I don’t think she’s ever forgiven me for dobbing her in to her husband but…. Anyway they sat with Paul and Susanne. Kamil and Linda turned up, they d

2018 Review.

2018 Review. Kalymnos Resole. Its been an interesting and emotional year. After the end of my relationship with Themi, the end of the reason for coming here really, followed closely by the sinus and septum reconstruction surgery in January, the following 2 or 3 months were a dark and insular period of reflection and soul searching. A few key decisions were made. The potential embarrassment of coming here for love, only to return to the UK with my tail between my legs, as I have seen others do....... well, I can cope with that.  So, I would look at selling and relocating. Where to call Home? Scotland with the kids... Spain? Camper-van again? That was uncertain. But the seeds of a plan were forming.  As for Kalymnos Resole. Themi was a big part of that. We really did it for 2 reasons, something for me to do, and to finance the ‘Argos house and family’ over the winter periods, which it did, though all our profits were always gone by February. I also think the sinus i

Important people.

This years trip home, of all of my visits back to the UK, was as poignant as any have ever been. The emotional turmoil of the year so far has left me a bit shell shocked if I’m completely honest with myself.. February, alone and recovering from surgery was particularly bad, though the sunshine helped enormously. That I’ve been able to maintain some semblance of normality in my strange little abnormal world is mostly down to my growing friendship with Pam. She came into my life at a critical time I think, she entered the void, and become someone I feel closer too now, someone I feel I can rely on, as I hope she feels for me.  We all have our issues, our baggage, especially as we get a little older and more set in our ways. She has hers, and oh yes, for sure I have mine, as she is discovering. I hope that as we travel along the road in this nice, easy, relaxed friendship, our understanding and feelings can grow. Throughout my trip home we have maintained contact and cha

Modern Life

Ive been in the UK since July 17th. The first couple of weeks were a bit surreal to be honest, climbing in the Lakes, North Wales, and then back in the Lakes again. By surreal I mean, one minuet home in Kalymnos (and remember how small it is), to driving all over the country, hunting for the weather to climb, sleeping in different beds, getting used to driving again, my sisters little car, climbing with Di again... I was definatley a little out of sorts. Now, up in Aberdeenshire again, its peaceful, and homely at my sisters place, all alone while they enjoy the Spanish heatwave. I have time now to watch the news on tv, go shopping in the city, and ‘people watch’. And oh what a sight to behold.... People. Obsessed with possessions, with looks, with cars, with celebrity, with money and let me repeat, obsessed with how they look. Its all fake. Fake tans Fake hair Fake eye lashes Fake eye brows Fake emotions Fake sympathy Fake talking.... When and how did this a happen

No Mans Land.

Spending a while with someone that has known me a long time has its advantages. The last few days have been spent with Di Gilbert. We’ve known each other for many years and its been good to spend some time together again. We said goodbye this morning with a hug and that famous ‘Giblet’ smile :) I know that I’m a little out of sorts, have been for a while I suppose, but it gets forced home when someone you know, or more to the point, knows you, tells you that you're not right, you’ve lost your mojo, you’re in a strange place......No mans land. Acknowledging the fact that something is wrong is half the battle, and I do accept that. Finding out what it is that’s causing my loss of ‘sparkle’ is a different thing. At least its good to have friends that feel comfortable enough to tell you!  Di has never been one to hold back!! I really didn’t expect to be in this position right now, single again, in a different country and away from family and friends. What part h

If its July, it must be the UK

And it is July 2018. I’m travelling and climbing with an old, good friend, Di Gilbert. I love her, she’s ace, she doesn't mince her words and shoots from the hip! We’ve been friends for years and climbed together often in the past. Obviously our paths have gone in hugely different directions over the last few years, hers to big mountains in the greater ranges, and mine to sunny crags and foreign climbs! (Sic) We spent a grand couple of days in The Lakes, staying with Doctor Clair, a friend of Di’s and a huge thanks to her and her friends (special mention to Alex) for their hospitality. Much appreciated. Good days were had at White Ghyll and Shepherds crag. Now we’re staying with Catrin in North Wales, near Llanberis. Cat is one of Di’s best and longest friends, and I can see why. She too is ace :) After 5 or 6 days together, and 4 days climbing, its clear that the dynamic we used to have has changed a little.... I’m not 100% certain why, but I have an idea. We